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Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Hyrbrid Cloud

Unparalleled Flexibility and Scalability to Your Business

A wide range of services have now moved to the Cloud and organizations are seeing the benefits. Over the past year many small to medium sized businesses moved a portion of their IT to the Cloud because of its appealing offer of a small monthly fee to transform their existing technology cost from a capital expense to an operational expense. In short, all or part of IT infrastructure can be hosted on the Cloud. While Cloud computing services can reduce costs on maintenance and support fees for many organizations, for others it is often times beneficial to maintain servers and desktops at their business location.

A Hybrid Cloud approach allows organization to maintain centralized IT resources in-house while uses Cloud-based services for others. The availability of Internet bandwidth and server virtualization technology has enabled organizations to use shared computing resources with external provider. The Hybrid Cloud solution is a perfect way to step into the Cloud without fully committing the whole of IT infrastructure to it.

faster delivery of compute
better application performance
lower hardware and maintenance cost

What are the Benefits of a Hybrid Cloud Environment

  • Best practice cloud security
  • Reduced complexity and costs
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • 24/7 resources and support
  • Increased redundancy
  • Work anytime, anywhere
  • Control
  • Easy transition

Contact one of our service representatives today to discuss your needs.

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